02 February 2009

My little stamper!

On Saturday I had my first Terrific Techniques class and I was lazy and didn't clean up the table straight away, then yesterday I noticed that I hadn't noticed Charlotte lately and found her in the kitchen sitting at the stamping table pretending to stamp. (Can you see the empty tupperware drawer to the left of the picture? that was what she had been doing...)
She was picking up the stamps and pushing them into the grid paper pretending to stamp. She loves having all the stamping girls over, she gets cuddles and all sorts of attention before she goes out with daddy to see her Nanna & Grand-dad.

Images © Stampin' Up!, Designs © Zarna Gould


Debbie Pamment said...

That's sooo cute! Your poor hubby - 2 stampers in the family!!!

Dani Fender said...

That is way too cute! I love how kids mimic what we do! My mum has photo's of me breast feeding my teddybear when I was 2 1/2 because that's what she had been doing with my baby brother lol!