This really really really sucks!! We don't have the internet yet!!!! There aren't any spare ports in Dubbo for ADSL or some crap and now we can't have internet until Telstra puts more in, it sucks even more coz we aren't even with Telstra but they control everything and our internet people have to go through them!
Our internet account gives us a bonus dial up account but it's like 10 hours per month which is absolutely stupid so if I want to do interesting stuff I can't do it at home!!!
A certain cousin "There's a spider crawling up your back" of my husbands is at the library (you all know who I mean) I just had to be polite and say hello. Yuck! I know I know grow up Zarna!
We set up the pram last night, that was cool, then we had a fight over who got to wheel it around the loungeroom first! But we now know how to put it up and fold it down so that we won't look like loser first time parents on our first outing with spud!
You know how I joked that docs would be round at our place as soon as we had the baby? Well anyway we met one of our neighbours from across the road and she works for docs, as soon as she told me where she worked I just started laughing and then had to explain myself lokl!
Meg & Steve's wedding was cool, they had Harry all dressed up and he walked down the aisle with the flower girl, it looked so cute. When they were doing the speeches Meg was holding Harry and he kept grabbing the microphone and would just make nonsense noises, everyone cheered the first time he did it so after every sentence Meg said Harry tried to grab the microphone (most times he got it!)
Anyway better go check my email before my time runs out.
PS Pete stop picking on me for not blogging, I would if I could!
Watercoloring a Monsters Birthday Card!
4 days ago
I love this blog. Its the best one in the world! that certain cousin probably reads your blog! i take it back you are no longer a blogging bludger!
LOL...who won the fight to push the pram first?
who else did you toob besides Naomi?
(gasp) Deb, that is top secret!!!
Let Justin push the pram.
Afterall, you will get the immense joy of pushing the baby (out).
I don't think I've ever heard the pushing part of labour described as "immense joy"
Zarna, I just aim to always try and be optimistic.
hahahaha u might get away with the pushing part like me (I didnt enjoy the aftermath though...) I want u to get online again so we can talk babies online together!!! Miss u stacks xoxo move back to dubbo!! :P
No Megan, we've been trying to get Zarna back to Parkes for years!! YOU MOVE TO PARKES TOO!! :P
just stopped by to say hi
hi :)
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