Ok, where to start?...
Spud is what we're calling the baby (Justin's idea - he thinks unborn babies look like potatos). Here is spud:

We had an ultrasound this morning - more painful than I would have thought, you have to go to the toilet an hour & a half before the ultrasound and then drink a litre of water and then not go to the toilet until after the ultrasound is over. I've labelled some body parts so you know what you're looking at because I had no clue when I saw the ultrasound (I thought Spud's bum was his/her head - hopefully I'll get that right once it's born)
We've bought a few things already (I know I know I'm shocking!!!) but we found this pram we liked and were just going to go back and get it later but it was on special so we bought it then and there, it's really cool though - it's red so it goes faster, it has a one handed fold which I can actually use, it's got 3 wheels and lots of other cool stuff, here's a pic I found online of one the same:
We bought spud's first toy like the day after we found out (which was really good timing because it was the same day Sharelle had Jacob so we bought a card for them at the same time and it just looked like we were buying the dinosaur for him because we hadn't told people yet). I really like him and Justin keeps getting cranky at me for playing with it he reckons I'll wear it out before Spud is born.
See how cool it is though!!! As if you could resist playing with that!!!
I've also got a few little (and i mean little those things are tiny) Bonds suits and singlets as well as a t-shirt that says "2 am. Party. My Room." on the front in cool red letters (I can't be bothered taking a pic and putting it on atm) and a rainbow beanie thingie.
I probably should have devoted an entire post to this but I'm too lazy so I'll let you all know as well that Justin got a new job... which means we're moving to Parkes!!! I never thought I'd be excited about that when i first left home but I really am excited, we're still trying to find a place to live but we'll be officially in Parkes Easter Weekend, coz Justin starts work on the Tuesday straight after, I'll probably have to do a few trips back and forth to let cleaners and stuff into our place to finish up here but after Easter is when our official address will be Parkes!
Justin will be working at Leading Edge Computers doing techy stuff and some sales, I'm a little worried coz I know how bad it is for me working at Myer and buying clothes and wonder if it will be the same with Justin & Computer parts.
Anyway I think that's all the life changing news I have to report on at the moment!!
PS - Megan thought my last post was a joke for almost a full day how funny is that!?!?! I was hoping someone would think that!
i always thought foetus' looked more like little baked beans.
Ok so I only just read the last few comments on my last post:
Nomes: Due Date is 19 October (You can work out the conception date from that lol!!!), I have been pretty morning sick - although not as bad as some stories I've heard so I count myself lucky - just throwing up in the shower every morning and then a bit of car sickness kinda feeling the rest of the day.
Karin: I love being the queen of understatements. It's so much fun driving people crazy and as soon as Justin did that I was like do it again I want to put it on the blog and use it to tell people!!!
Probably the size of one lol!
ps that was for Pete
Deb: Yes you can be honorary aunty (that is if you can work out how to spell honorary/honourary) And you are more than welcome to annoy Justin as much as you wish! I'll get one of those little widget boxes now I have a real due date.
Liv: I can imagine your face but you will have to recreate it for me and yes you can be honorary aunty too!
Ultrasounds kill. I hated one of mine so bad because of the pain. We always had to do 2 litres of water!!!!
2 more gamenight gang members!!!
btw, I had a shocker moment @ the gmanight at Deb's place. Then things became a little MA 15+ and we laughed like crazy (it was after midnight). Next morning we all felt a bit sheepish @ our rudeness.
I don't think I could have coped with that much!!!
And just when you think you can't take anymore they start pushing around on your abdomen!!!
(sheepishly admits) I had NO IDEA that your post meant you were having a baby for real hence (love the dorky word hence) my vague comments, otherwise I would have been going physcho in the comment box.
Cool baby toy. PLay with it as much as you want.
Justins jealous, he really plays with it when you are not looking.
I want one of those party. 2 am. my room. tee's!!!
ooops, just realised that last comment has some unsavoury connotaTIONS for a grown woman.
still ultra cute for a baBY THOUGH.
KEEP accidently hitting caps lock
very cool pram too
I'm sure megan likes how you mentioned in the post to everyone how she was completely fooled.
you are a fab friend!!! lol.
carissa is 3 on the 13th of october
my dad is 50 (yes 50!) on the 20th october.
some weird couple i know have their 3rd wedding anniversary on the 30th of october.
you'll ave to maintain the spud nickname and buy cool spud toys and stuff.
spud is a cool name
r u going to find out what spud really is?
hey, just realised you are kinda there!
My friend Alex's birthday is the 19th!!!
Megan still loves me (at least until she actually reads the post lol)
gotta go
dishes calling
they are my calling in life
yeah zarna was right... not sure if I like her anymore...
spose i'll forgive her... maybe...
Awwwww so so adorable..
your going to be a mommy.
Congrats to you and Justin.
Enjoy the pregnancy anddon't worry the ultrasounds get easier to understand as the baby gets bigger..LOL
They still hurt the same though! :)
Do you have a little belly yet?
The 'party' tee-shirt sounds way cool! I can't wait to see it! Thanks for the first pics too! :)
YAY, you're moving back to Parkes! I better stick around here then so I can annoy you! :P Games nights will be ultra cool now that the Queen of Understatement is back (you are cool!). Will justin be fixing stuff at Leading Edge? I have a psycho monitor he could look at...!
Excellent post, by the way, I like to be kept informed!
Do you need a hand moving and stuff? I'm still happily jobless at the moment so if you need a hand with stuff, just give us a yell. I'm going away at the end of this week, but will be bakc a few days before Easter, if that helps any! :)
Yay, still excited! ;)
Whoops, got so excited I posted twice....
You don't need to help, you can just bum around with me! You could be like my private maternity nurse (of course I could only pay you in red frogs or something similar...)
How many honourary new daughters will I have. I'm sure Claire won't mind having a bunch of sisters.
LOL!! I'm honoured to be your honourary new daughter Bob!!
Nomes, I didn't think anything odd of the '2am. party. my room' Tshirth comment until you pointed it out. Relax and enjoy being innocent with me!
Zarna!! What a cool picture of spud!! I'm glad you put labels too!! Have you been able to print off a copy and put it in the baby photo frame I gave you? Does everyone at work know now? How did they react?
That Tshirt turned out to be a good investment, everyone is being inspired by it. And I think the toy is awesome too. Have you named it on Spud's behalf?
WOOHOO!! I will be in Parkes Easter weekend too, so I'll see y'all then!! SOOOOOOOOOOOooo cool about Justin's new job!!
Zarna, I would be honoured just to bum around with you. Sounds like a plan. And I could live off payments of red frogs. Not a problem!!
PS I just accidentally created a new name for you. I had a dyslexic moment and spelled your name as 'Zaran'!! Could be the male version of your name!
How come you get so many comments!!!
Do I have to have another baby to generate this many comments too?
j/k...well, you and Pete can make that decision...
I could create a false alarm....
he he he
Hey, I was just thinking about you, and randomly for-no-reason realised you are only one letter different to my aunties name and I never knew it!
But sounds totally different.
Anyway, i got all excited when I realsied and now it sounds a bit whatever.
Do a new post so i can begin commenting all over again.
*grinning @ Nomes*
LOL, I keep wanting your baby widget to play with me like it's a virtual pet or something!!
I wonder if babies can get motion sickness in the womb??
it looks like Virtual Spud's in a tumble dryer!!
OK so Deb: I accidently packed the photo frame the morning of the ultrasound, it's on the fridge but will be getting moved to the frame once we move. I think everyone at work knows, I found someone yesterday who didn't so there's still a small pocket of people that are out of the loop lol
Nomes: Yes have another baby and we'll comment alot!
Deb: Pete doesn't need to be included in that decision, it's nothing life changing lol
Nomes: I can't believe you didn't know my name was one different from Zarina's!!! I've never met her and I knew that lol!
Deb: I hope Spud get's motion sickness!!! Be my revenge back for morning sickness... does this mean I'm a bad mother?!?
lol wowl so much craziness and they say it is stronger in the next generation. HAHAHAHA..
One interesting spud you'll have
check out the "spud" claires blog!!!
But that potato has 2 heads!!! my baby only has one... hopefully
omg im pregnant and i didnt get this many comments !!! U COW zarna !!! hehehe :) nah this is so cool something interesting to read !!!
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