Ok, So here is my Pink Hair:
It's not heaps pink but it's definately not purple like the box says.
This is Crusher I think it's a cute photo
Isn't he just so handsome?
Yesterday we went to the Zoo for lunch (just took some meat & salad and had a bbq)
I love the siamangs! They are so cool, they weren't as active yesterday as they can be but they played on the ropes a bit. I think they're my favourite animals (except for Crusher of course).
I had last week off work and just bummed around the house - it was so great, I played heaps of sims (so much that I think I'm going to go into withdrawals when I go back to work on Wednesday) why I haven't been on messenger lately.
I said I had off until Wednesday which is cool - I timed my holidays so that I had my long weekend at the end of them.
On Thursday after work I'm flying down to Sydney and staying with Deb for Katies Grad on Friday. I'm excitedx3 = I get to fly!!! I get to see Deb & Katies new place!!! AND I get to go to Katies Grad!!! It will be cool to meet the people she's spent a better part of a year with + see her graduate!
I don't fly very much so it's all a novelty (it will be like my 3rd domestic flight & 5th altogether - except for the joy flight in a cessna when I was little)
I have to work on Saturday but that's cool coz they gave me Friday off after taking a week & a half off.
Anyway so I promise to Post photos from Katies Grad & Sydney trip.
PS Here is a cool pic I found on my camera from Christmas (I only just got around to copying them to my computer)
PS Here is a cool pic I found on my camera from Christmas (I only just got around to copying them to my computer)

Sounds like you're gonna have heaps of fun this week. Tell Katie congrats for me! Take care and God bless!
Cool air - so you still ahevn't said: is it permanent?
You have a very cool and exciting life! it is so cool that you went to the zoo for lunch. I feel jealous.
I like your LMS top in the christmas pic. It's really cool.
Hmmmmm, I might start a poll and see who is the coolest between us and settle it once and for all. JOKING....u r definately the coolest :)
Yup it's permanent!
I'm gonna go get another packet of it today and see if I can at least even it out a bit better
could be deadly.....but you are very brave. I think it looks cool anyway. What colour is it actually called? I think Justin shoud do his too.
How come you are not sleeping in on a day off?
I've never played sims 2. I would be worried I would get too addicted.
did you check out the hippo at the zoo. I love the hippos
So that's what you were doing with your time off?! I can't play the Sims - I end up spending all my money or whatever and then things just fall apart! Too much strategy involved! (actually, I'm thinking of sim Tower rather than the Sims, but I'm sure the basic concept is still the same, and therefore a mystery to me!)
I like your hair colour - looks funky. But yeah, deeper purple would be cool!
Yikes - horrible photo of me! But everyone else looks good so thats ok. I just recently found my version of that photo too.
Not fair you get to go to Katies grad! Jealous now! Hope you guys have a great time, and yeah, post lots of photos!
I LIke the photo of you Karin!!!! You look like your cracking up! Very cool.
Have a good time in Sydney!!! But do another post before then, a new hair update!
It's called "Pure Purple Power" I ended up getting a "normal" brown to do my hair back to.
Maybe it might end up purple lol.
I have more of those photos but it was the first one, I didn't look closely before I put it on it was a spur of the moment thing.
Sims2 is very addictive, they're bringing out a new pack next week that has weather in it, like every few days the season changes and they can have snow fights in winter and plant food in spring and stuff, I'm looking forward to it (I know I'm a nerd) except that I won't have a weekend at home without work or other stuff on for like 3 weeks after it's released and I don't know how I'll cope!!!
So tell me more about Sims2!
I think I want it! Like do you buy it? PC or PS2? What one?
I thinkn I need it!
Hey you chickened out and went brown!!!!
dying it back already? I was just getting excited about the idea of you and Justin having matching locks!!
you can get it on everything, I think PC is better. They have a stack of packs you can get to make it even better.
You basically play God in these little peoples lives, they have wants & fears (in a little bar at the bottom of the screen) if you expose them to their wants it makes them happy and if you expose them to their fears to often they go around the bend.
There's a new game out called "The Sims Life Stories" that is supposed to be a good game for people who have never played sims before. It's like a gateway into the real world of sims.
I'd probably start with the real thing though
Hey Zarna! I will keep an eye out for sales on Sims2 the PC, is that all I need to get?
Now we need a new pic of the new-brown, post-pink hair.
Why doesn't Justin get a blog???
Plus the pressures on now that Karin and I have cboxes.....you seriously need one if you want to kepp up your ultra cool image :)
Hi Z
I just want to comment again, no reason.
Waiting for Pete to come home, he is out jogging, committed. He has lost 15kgs!!!! Since December.
Wasting time really. I like coming to your blog.
I like your name too
Why aren't I going to bed?
Petes still out there somewhere jogging.....
What are you up to?
Well, c ya!
Zarna, you NEED a cbox like YESTERDAY!
lol! Sims sounds cool - I'd be mean and drive them round the bend all the time! I will have to come over one day and you can show me your sim world!
If you get sims 2 for pc it will start you off, you won't have some of the features (coz they got added later) but you'll have enough to know if you like it or not. I could probably loan it to you nomes if you want to try it out first.
Brown hair went more burgandy coz of the pink - but a lot better and a lot more work suitable.
I haven't lost 15kg's yet and that's in like 18 months - I think guys are more committed to losing weight than girls - that and they can't justify chocolate as much as we can.
I'm not getting a c-box thingy!!! It's a matter of principle now!
U look good from the gym z, very inspirational.
Pete has been working out for 90 mins 5-6 times a week and going really hard. He won the weight loss challenge and free 6 month membership.
get a cbox pppppuuuuuuuhhhhhhhllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (please)
You can make it pink :)
Or yellow for sunshine
Or pink and yellow...
The possibilities are endless
are you crazily investigating by taking notes on all the times on the cboes and in comments on all the other blogs?
Hint: I am your Number One Fan!!!
Nomes I am not getting a cbox!
Then I wouldn't get 20 comments per post!!!
Oi! Everyone always blames me!!!!
have fun in sydney tomorrow!
i updated my blog so you will no longer be confronted with your bro in laws pic every time you visit my savage site
Im famous! Thanks Zarna! :)I look cool just being next to you! Luv ya!
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