I had another ultrasound today, the placenta has moved up where it's supposed to be now, which is still good, but we haven't really ruled out a caesarean for certain as the baby is still bum down and it should be head down by now, apparently if it doesn't turn soon it won't have any room to turn.
The baby has grown heaps and they estimated it's weight at about 4 pound 2 ounces or something which means approx an 8 pound baby at term, because of the size of the head, stomach and leg they've moved my due date forward almost a week to the 15th of Oct so I'm now 33 weeks pregnant... I was born at 33 1/2 weeks!!! I was 5 pound 4 when I was born but 4 pound is still quite a good size for this age so that's good.
Dad & Bob came along for the ultrasound, the lady was a little weird and made Justin sit in the corner and wouldn't let them in until she'd finished doing the measurements and everything then let them come in at the end, normally they've let everyone stand there and watch the whole thing and explain what they were measuring and why as they went - this room was the biggest ultrasound room I've seen so far and you could have fit about another 5 people in without feeling crowded so I don't know what her problem was. I'm definately going to request the Hospital if I have to go for any more in the future. Russell at the hospital is really good and if anything explains too much. Besides, at the hospital it's all digital and you get it on cd instead of on film so you can burn off all the videos and watch the baby any time you want. Dad & Bob really enjoyed the ultrasound though and were really impressed with seeing the face and watching them drink the amniotic fluid.
We still haven't found out what we're having, but we wouldn't have been able to if we wanted to because the baby was in a really weird position, it did that last time too turning away and hiding the body parts that Russell needed to measure! Only 7 weeks and we'll know I suppose.
24 August 2007
Ultrasound #3
Posted by
6:36 pm
21 August 2007
Bit of everything
I haven't blogged in ages so I thought I'd do a post with a bit of everything:
A few weeks ago we had Justin's 30th Birthday party (isn't he old?!? - I'm married to someone in his thirties!!!) We had a pirate's & ninja's theme and fancy dress was compulsory. It was heaps of fun with the last of the partiers leaving at 3am. Here are some photo's of the party, I didn't take many because I got too busy, but I think everyone's costumes looked fantastic!
Gemea had already taken her costume off but she came as a Fairy Pirate with wings and a wand. Harry's costume was gorgeous, Meg & Steve went to a costume hire for theirs. Justin & Jason ordered theirs off some guy Jason knows that gets all the karate uniforms and stuff so they're proper ninja suits. It's a little hard to see the cakes but we had a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Pirates of the Carribbean Cakes to go with the theme.
Weekend before last we went to Canberra for the weekend as a last chance to go away by ourselves before the baby comes, for Justin's birthday I bought us 'Zooventures' at the National Zoo & Aquarium. It was a really cool afternoon! You get admission into the zoo as part of the tour so we went around and looked at all the cool animals first, my favourites had to be the capuchin monkeys:
Check out the little dude on the left, he has this kind of Elvis hairdo happening, He was my favourite, he was really hard to get a pic of coz he was about 10 times more active than the others.
I love the little guy on the top left pic in the collage above he looks like he's wearing one of those leather jackets with the fringing on it.
After we checked out the animals we met up with our group for the Zooventure tour to get a bit closer to them. We fed a Sumatran Tiger (My favourite), Tigon, Eland, Cougar (They were scary the others sort of just take the food really gently but the Cougar just jumps up at the mesh and snatches it out) and Giraffes. We patted Dingoes and Justin held a Boa Constrictor, I was just proud that I was brave enough to stay in the room, I tried to touch it but she kept looking at me and I probably got within about 6 inches. Considering snakes are one of my top 2 fears (with Sharks) I think I did really well because I could feel myself calming down and my heart stopped pounding while we were in the room with it, I think I might have been able to hold it if I'd had more time to just look at it up close - she was actually quite pretty with a really nice pattern and a non-evil looking face.
While we were in Canberra we went out for dinner with Chris and then went and saw the Simpsons movie (It was hilarious!!!)
What else can I write?...
I saw a link to this article and thought the whole concept was hilarious basically China has banned Tibetian Monks from reincarnating without government permission because the Dalai Lama can supposedly pick who they reincarnate as and the Chinese government want to control the Dalai Lama or something. It was just a really bizarre concept that they want control over reincarnation when it's supposedly a spiritual thing.
I've been doing some stuff lately to get the baby's room ready, I washed some of the little clothes and things the other day and they're so little it's hard to fold them neatly to put them in the drawer, it's all so cute! I have my baby shower on Friday night and I'm really looking forward to it! It should be a really fun night! I have an ultrasound on Friday morning as well so that will be exciting! Still not going to find out what we're having but it's going to be hard to resist, there's only 2 months to go now I've gone this long I can wait a little longer now. If the baby is anything like it's parents it could be more like 2 weeks not months lol. As impatient as I am I don't want them being as early as Justin and I were.
I better go and fold some washing (adult size not baby so I haven't been as motivated to put it away)
Posted by
12:42 pm
Labels: Chit Chat
02 August 2007
Wikipedia tag
I was tagged to do this ages ago but I completely forgot about it until I went through the drafts in my posts looking for something to post, So here it is:
The rules are:
1) Go to Wikipedia
2) In the search box, type your birth month and day but not the year.
3) List three events that happened on your birthday
4) List two important birthdays
5) List two deaths
6) One holiday or observance (if any)
7) Tag 5 other bloggers to complete
1848 - California Gold Rush; US President James K Polk confirms that large amounts of Gold have been discovered in California.
1964 - Vietnam War; For his heroism in battle earlier in the year, Captain Roger Donlon is awarded the first Medal of Honour for the War.
1989 - TGV Atlantique sets a new railways speed record with 482.4 KM/H.
1901 - Walt Disney.
1985 - Frankie Muniz; Malcom in the Middle.
1951 - Shoeless Joe Jackson; American Baseball Player.
2005 - Kevin McQuay; Big Kev "I'm Excited".
Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Netherlands & the UK - Saint Nicholas Eve; apparently like Christmas but it is St Nicholas of Myra's (Santa Claus) birthday being celebrated and he brings the good children presents in the Netherlands. In France he brings sticks with which the bad children are beaten. In Belgium children put carrots & sugar cubes for his donkey in their shoes which they leave near the fireplace and the next morning find them replaced with their presents
I Tag everyone who has already done this but to do it with their birthday reversed (eg 5 December becomes 12 May) if your birthday is higher than 12 add the 2 numbers together to get a lower number (eg 27 = 2+7 = 9)!
Posted by
2:21 pm
Labels: Chit Chat