I have some new important information that may affect how we guess! One of the suppliers from Justin's work has a tent every year at the Bathurst 1000 and they give away tickets for free, Justin's put our names down for tickets to the Saturday races (figured not as many people as Sunday so more chance of seeing more and getting autographs that sort of thing) they have a pretty cool program for the Saturday with stuff like the top 10 shoot out so it will still be pretty good. Given that we've planned this and it is so cool I think the baby will probably be born on that day (6/10)! I think that's how it normally works, they come on the day you have the most planned that you don't want to miss out on.
There's not long now until Spud arrives so I thought I'd stick a little competition to guess when we all think Spud will be here. The winner will win the satisfaction of knowing they were right. We'll do Price is Right rules, person who's closest without going over wins (I don't want people guessing over lol!)
Leave your guesses in the comments and I'll edit the post to enter them in next to the date so that noone doubles up on dates. If you want you can also guess if you think boy or girl.
Here are the dates:
15 Sept -
16 Sept -
17 Sept -
18 Sept -
19 Sept -
20 Sept -
21 Sept -
22 Sept -
23 Sept -
24 Sept -
25 Sept -
26 Sept -
27 Sept -
28 Sept -
29 Sept -
30 Sept -
31 Sept -
1 Oct -
2 Oct -
3 Oct -
4 Oct -
5 Oct - Olivia / Girl
6 Oct -
7 Oct - Claire / Girl
8 Oct -
9 Oct -
10 Oct - Bob / Boy ... Deb / Boy (Sorry my bad didn't see Deb's comment)
11 Oct -
12 Oct -
13 Oct - Zarna / Girl
14 Oct -
15 Oct ***Due Date From U/Sound #3*** -
16 Oct -
17 Oct - Nomes / Boy
18 Oct - Justin / Girl
19 Oct ***Due Date From U/Sound #1*** -
20 Oct - Anonymous (Shona?) / Boy or Girl
21 Oct ***Due Date From U/Sound #2*** - Pete / Boy (Maximillian Power)
22 Oct - Lisa / Girl
23 Oct -
24 Oct -
25 Oct - Megan / Boy
26 Oct -
27 Oct -
28 Oct -
Watercoloring a Monsters Birthday Card!
4 days ago
I'm Gonna Guess too...
I guess 13 Oct and that Spud is a Spudette (Girl)
Justin Reckons...
18 Oct and girl
25th october - boy
7th October - Girl (just cause that's my wedding aniversary..so it's a cool date...and I want a neice!)
I'll go for 20 October as its Andrew's birthday and the middle of the ultra sound dates (which are always wrong. I'm guessing a boy or girl as one has to be right
I'm guessing a boy on 10th Oct because it's the 10/10, which follows the Gould boy pattern (Chris born 8/8, Nick 9/9...OK so Justin was the exception that proves the rule...)
okay. i'm stuck for guesses. carissa was due the 7th of oct - so i like that one. was born 13th - but you already stole that.
i will go and think about it and come back later.
do you need more good names? i have some cool ones left over that i want people to use for me as i am not having anymore. i will be happy to name your baby for you if you are stuck! ;)
Names were the easiest part I reckon!
10th October 2007 for me. My original thought was a girl, but now I think it will be a boy. I know one thing, it will be a baby.
Pete: wants to be on for the 21st. He's going for a boy.
Thinks you should call it Maximillian Power. (Max Power Gould)
Me: I will say 17th of Oct. (but I secretly am going for 13th, but you need diversity). I was originally thinking girl, but am starting to lean towards boy for some reason (?). (Why has this turned into a mini essay?) I'll lock in boy.
(for now)
you forgot to list deb's guess...
do a poll on names. I love polls.
I know what names we're using so there's no point. I don't want everyone to pick the wrong name!
Justin could just take Nick if you're busy having the baby :);).If he did that, I don't suppose he would be able to get in when he arrived home.
No, No he wouldn't
When Seth's mum was in labour with Seth her and Dennis went to a rodeo. lol
That's why Seth likes horses.
I'll guess the 5th of October as that will definately prevent you from attending the pre-planned event! I guess Spudette.
I am going to say 22nd of October. You know how i feel about the number 2! i am going to say girl as well.
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